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Hanna (HI-8424) pH H-H Meter; Micro-P; ATC; Auto Buff.

Product Code HI8424


The HI-8424 offers similar performance as a bench pH meter, yet is portable and better value for money. It is supplied complete with a laboratory grade double junction pH electrode and a stainless steel temperature sensor.

The HI-8424 automatically compensates all pH measurements with regards to the temperature of the solution being measured across the range 0 to +70C. In addition it is programmed with 3 different buffer value standards which it will automatically recognize during the 2-point pH calibration.

In addition to pH, a mV range is included allowing ORP (Redox) readings to be taken in using an optional ORP/Redox electrode. The mV range is divided into two, with the lower range providing 0.1mV resolution and improved accuracy allowing Ion Selective Electrodes to be used with the meter.